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Rights of Overseas Vietnamese and Foreign own houses in Vietnam

Rights of Overseas Vietnamese and Foreign own houses in Vietnam

Chapter V RIGHTS OF OVERSEAS VIETNAMESE AND FOREIGN ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS TO OWN HOUSES IN VIETNAM Article 65. Rights of overseas Vietnamese and foreign organizations and individuals to own houses in Vietnam 1. Overseas Vietnamese may own houses in Vietnam if they fall into the categories and fully meet the conditions specified in Article 1 of Law No. 34/2009/QH12 Amending and Supplementing Article 126 of the Housing Law and Article 121 of the Land Law. Overseas Vietnamese may own houses stably and permanently.

Housing Law in Vietnam, Decree on guiding the implementation

Housing Law in Vietnam, Decree on guiding the implementation

DECREE ON Detailing and guiding the implementation of the Housing Law Pursuant to the Law the Law on Organization of the Government dated 25 December, 2001; Pursuant to the Housing Law dated 29 November, 2005; Pursuant to the Law No. 34/2009/QH12 on amendment and supplimentation of Article 126 of the Housing Law and Article 121 of the Land Law dated 18 June, 2009 Pursuant fo fhe Law No. 38/2009/QH12 on amendment and supplementation of several article of Laws relating to capital construction investment dated 19 June, 2009 At the proposal of the Minister of Construction

Dossier of application for house ownership and residential land use right certificate

Dossier of application for house ownership and residential land use right certificate

Article 8 of Decree No.51/2009/ND-CP dated June 3, 2009 :An applicant for a house ownership and residential land use right certificate shall make a dossier comprising.


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